Backyard Jam 2023 results

The results of the 2023 Backyard Jam BMX freestyle national series 2023 were posted up on the homepage of the site at the end of the series, but we thought it would be prudent to create a blog post so anyone can go back to take a look at them.

Our overall winner in the Elite Men park category was Kieran Reilly, followed by Dylan Hessey, Jack Watts, Kaine Mitchell and Tom Russell in second to fifth.

In the Elite Women park category the overall series winner was Sasha Pardoe in first, followed by Elsa Rendell Todd, Holly Pipe, Sammy Turner, and Morrigan Chudley in second to fifth.

In the Elite Men Street category the overall series winner was Alex Kennedy in first. He was followed by Stuart Chisholm, Joe Jarvies, Antonio Carrizo-Smallwood, and Isaac Downey in second through to fifth.

The amateur and younger age groups had some fantastic riding and the winners were as follows:

Tyler Wainwright (amateur park men)

Harry Gorman (under 15 boys)
Ellie Gunnell (under 15 girls)

Lukas Kennedy (Under 12 boys)

Esme Morris (under 12 girls).

You ca see the full results for each group below:

Backyard Jam 2023 elite men park BMX competition results
Backyard Jam 2023 elite women park BMX competition results
Backyard Jam 2023 elite men street BMX competition results
Backyard Jam 2023 amateur men park BMX competition results
Backyard Jam 2023 under 15 boys park BMX competition results
Backyard Jam 2023 under 15 girls park BMX competition results
Backyard Jam 2023 under 12 boys park BMX competition results
Backyard Jam 2023 under 12 girls park BMX competition results
